Shey Speaks: Claiming Your Purpose In a World Filled With Doubt.
Shey Speaks: Claiming Your Purpose In a World Filled With Doubt.
Upgrade Your Life, Upgrade You - The next level of your life requires a next level of you.
How many of you have ever contemplated starting a business, making better friends, giving up that addiction and very quickly the lies of the enemy start taking over your mind and you don’t do it because that next level seems too hard. It seems too far for you to actually claim it unlike some thing that you can’t achieve. I’m here to tell you that the next level of your life is going to require a next level of you. That next level of you is going to require growth and growth does not come easily. Growth is hard, it brings along tribulations and trials, and it’s something that not many people are willing to walk through because comfort is easier.
And this next episode we will walk through what it takes to upgrade your life, why God has called us to more and what you need to do to get to the next level!